Once again, Brookhaven is partnering with Trees Atlanta sponsor the Front Yard Tree Program for 2025.
In this partnership, Trees Atlanta Homeowners can choose one of five varieties of White oak, Overcup oak, Willow oak, Bald cypress and Sycamore, all between six and eight feet in height. Trees Atlanta will plant the tree and provide the initial mulching and watering and include a two-year replacement guarantee.
Through the end of March, residents can apply at www.treesatlanta.org/yardtree and select “Brookhaven,” while quantities last.
After the application is completed online, a representative from Trees Atlanta will contact the homeowner to discuss the appropriate species and location of the tree, usually within 5-7 business days after the request is made. As part of the participation agreement, the resident agrees to water the trees roughly every 10 days for the first year and to call Trees Atlanta if the tree shows signs of stress, needs staking, or there are any other issues with the tree.
Trees Atlanta, a nonprofit organization committed to the care and replenishment of metro Atlanta's urban forest, manages the processing of tree requests and coordinates with each homeowner for the selection, placement, and installation of up to two front yard trees per yard through this program.
“Brookhaven’s participation in the program has been very well received in previous years and applauded by the community,” noted City Arborist Jeff Dadisman.